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We reveal!

We close vulnerabilities!

We stop fraud!

we focussing on essentials!

DETEK AG – your detective agency for business and private investigations

The history of DETEK


More than 100 years of experience

Together with its affliates Deutsche Akademie für Ermittlungsdienste GmbH, DETEK draws on over 100 years of expertise. To this day, we gain experience and establish new contacts on a daily basis.

In addition to a number of major enterprises, many known medium-sized companies trust DETEK. We are also regularly approached by law firms from Germany and abroad, by international detective agencies – and of course by private people.


From e.K. to AG

Expert advice is crucial to succeed. And because business went well, registered merchant (in German: e.K. – eingetragener Kaufmann) Hartmut Hoppe decided to retain his closest colleagues and their skills by asking them to be shareholders of DETEK. This way young employees get the chance to participate in a company – and to lead it into the future.

Since 2003 Dr. Thomas Borcholte (biochemist, marketing-expert and entrepreneur), Raoul Classen (investigator) and Dominik Ossada (lawyer) have been joint holders of the stock company (in German: AG – Aktiengesellschaft).

As members of the supervisory board Claus-Peter Korte (jurist), Klaus Hawellek (legal specialist for inheritance, corporate and tax law) and chairman Dr. Borcholte control our work carefully.

Within this new form of business organization important topics can be diversely discussed and professionally negotiated – whether it is the companies development, a request by a client or a special case.


Expansion kicks off

After DETEK had established itself in Hannover, we started expansion in 1989. Our second office opened up 120 kilometres from the first one in the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen – followed by a third, fourth, fifth,… operations centre over time.

Today, DETEK is proud to provide investigative services at nine locations throughout Germany. We are particularly pleased there is an international demand for our work.


Providing security & education

When you know a criminal mind, you also know, how to protect yourself against its illegal output. With this in the back of his head, Hartmut Hoppe bought a company specializing in security services and called it DETECTOR.

Since then the subsidiary has been converted into the Deutsche Akademie für Ermittlungsdienste (in English: German Academy for Investigation Services) to train soon-to-be investigators as well as educate investigators further. Security services such as weak point analysis, monitoring technology or seminars for employees are offered by DETEK directly now.

We did not want to part from our dearly beloved DETECTOR homepage. Fans of the nineties aesthetic may reminisce here.


How DETEK was founded

„The competition has smuggled you into our company, right?“, joked a detective colleague over a beer after work. As a freshly graduated economist Hartmut Hoppe worked – exclusively – for a detective agency in Southern Germany. But his creative ideas surely stood out.

Looking for opportunities to learn and challenge himself, he soon joined an information and security company before setting up his own business in 1978: DETEK investigations e.K. was born.


The oldest agency of Hannover

Established in 1909 as the detective agency Pröhl, Heinz G. Ohrdorff took over investigations eventually. When he himself aspired to retire, he approached DETEK. For years both investigation firms had maintained a close business relationship. In August 1989 we acquired Hannovers oldest agency, now a wholly owned affliate of DETEK.

Principles by which we operate


Our proof is valid in court

DETEK knows the legal possibilities and limits of detective work by heart. We do not only want to obtain information for you. The evidence should be valid in court. To be able to guarantee this, we work closely with your legal advisors. Or we develop a secure investigation strategy with our own legal department.


We work with professionals

We like to be prepared for all cases. This is why DETEK works with experts, who have proven their skills in various fields – such as criminalistics, anti-eavesdropping measures, law, economics, IT, technology, finance or culture. Therefore we can bring together a team according to your needs. To ensure we will have appropriately trained and qualified personnel at all times, we offer targeted training and further education through our subsidiary Deutsche Akademie für Ermittlungsdienste GmbH.


Called today – on-site tomorrow

24 hours a day, 7 days a week – we are here to listen to your case around the clock. If immediate action is required, call DETEK. Together we discuss, which procedure is productive in your case. And then start the mission as soon as possible.


Your case is unique

You know about your request. DETEK has an overview of the possibilities of detective work. Together we find out which personnel, which strategies and which technique your individual case needs. If necessary, we even create new investigation methods for unusual scenarios. Our field of work makes a strong standardization impossible anyway.


We stay in touch

During investigation, we will update you promptly, comprehensively and honestly. We want you to understand when we act in your case – and which amount of effort and money is involved. At the same time DETEK would like to give you the opportunity to set your own impulses and to change the approach as required.


Our eyes are everywhere

In addition to numerous operations centers at home in Germany DETEK has agencies in London, Marbella and Zurich. Thanks to our cooperation network, we can even support you worldwide – with detectives, who communicate in the local language and know the local manners as well as the economic and legal framework.

Data security

Your data is strictly confidential

Protecting your data is one of the most important tasks for us. All information you provide to DETEK is subject to strict security and confidentiality standards. These include, for example, safe IT systems and limited access rights. Only investigators working directly on your case may learn more about you. Our employees are also committed to secrecy. In case of non-compliance, they can be prosecuted. When we hire third parties to assist, they must first agree to our privacy standards – and let us check them accordingly.